
Mūsų medienos granulės yra puikios kokybės ir efektyvumo.

Puikus produktas! Medienos granulės degė ilgai ir efektyviai, rekomenduoju visiems.

Jonas P.
A pile of wooden pallets engulfed in bright, swirling flames against a dark background. The fire creates an intense and dramatic contrast with the darkness, with flames prominently showcasing shades of yellow and orange.
A pile of wooden pallets engulfed in bright, swirling flames against a dark background. The fire creates an intense and dramatic contrast with the darkness, with flames prominently showcasing shades of yellow and orange.


Naudojame šias granules jau metus, esame labai patenkinti jų kokybe ir šilumos išsaugojimu. Rekomenduojame visiems, ieškantiems efektyvaus šildymo sprendimo.

A neatly stacked pile of chopped firewood, with logs showing various shades of brown and gray. The logs are arranged tightly together, forming a rustic and natural pattern.
A neatly stacked pile of chopped firewood, with logs showing various shades of brown and gray. The logs are arranged tightly together, forming a rustic and natural pattern.
Rita S.

